Mind | Improve Your Client Experience | 7eWellness
Improve Your Client Experience
Offer them natural relaxation at your Spa!

Stress negatively impacts your sleep, your mood, your diet, how you look, and how you feel. Stress also impacts you on a cellular level and is the precursor to most disease states including cancer and heart disease. MyoCalme is FDA cleared device that can help you relax and bring order in your sleep.
Sometimes all you need is a little help!
MyoCalme is the gentle, drug free treatment for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Based on decades of research at the nations best medical centers and with thousands of satisfied users, MyoCalme provides you fast-acting relief, without the complications of drugs. MyoCalme applies a gentle energy to your brain, allowing you to help yourself feel relief. Sometimes all you need is a little help. MyoCalme is there when you need it. MyoCalme is FDA-clear wellness device that can help you relax and bring order in your sleep pattern.

Don't let Anxiety or Depression hold you back.
This stress relief device is one of the most effective and useful inventions by the experts. Your moods and emotions, including anxiety, are controlled through electrochemical signals in your brain. When the signals aren't functioning properly, the hormones and neurotransmitters that regulate your emotions can become unbalanced. By modulating the brain's electrochemical signals through this relaxation device, you can safely and effectively improve mood conditions, as well as eliminate anxiety and depression.

Drug-free treatment for Anxiety

Drug-free treatment to improve Sleep

Drug-free treatment for Depression
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Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Device to relieve deep rooter Stress!